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Site Guide - Columbia Valley
Location: Chilliwack, south of Cultus Lake

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Habitat(s): Grass fields, hobby farms, deciduous and some coniferous woods.

Access: Quiet, paved and mostly level roads with plenty of straight stretches and good visibility. Mainly vehicle and roadside birding at this site.

Bird Species List: Click here to open a list of bird species seen at this site.

Target Bird Species: Hutton's Vireo, Black-throated Grey Warbler, MacGillvray's Warbler

Rare Species Recorded: Veery, Western Bluebird, Harris's Sparrow, Chipping Sparrow.

Best Time(s): Spring through fall

Nearby birding sites: Cultus Lake Provincial Park, Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve, Sardis Park, Chilliwack River Valley

Columbia Valley is a small and picturesque community south of Chilliwack against the US border. This valley is the northern most section of a valley that extends into Washington State. The landform may act as a natural funnel for migrating birds coming up from the south. Sumas Praire, 600 feet lower in elevation, is located to the north seperated by Vedder Mountain. Consisting mainly of farms, some agriculture and plenty of wooded habitat, Columbia Valley's diverse habitats provides excellent birding in a beautiful setting. Three main roadways go through the area with a few short side roads. Frost Road gives an option to bird on the east side of Frosst Creek.

Due to a lack of parks or other public land, birders are restricted to the roadways. However, the area is very quiet and sees limited traffic so birding from the road is not usually a problem and there are no lack of birds to be found right along the road's edge. The roads are straight in many stretches allowing for good places to pull over. Homes are also mostly spread out giving birders plenty of choices of areas to walk and avoid going near people's abodes. However, if you choose to explore east of Frosst Creek, a small, rough trail does go up the creek from Canyon Road. The trail goes towards the border and ends at a small waterfall.


In the late spring and early summer a morning's birding can total 50 species consisting of a good mix of warblers, flycatchers, sparrows and others. Some birds are migrants but a good many remain to breed including Red-eyed and Cassin's Vireo, MacGillvray's and Black-throated Grey Warblers and Western Tanagers. Hutton's Vireo have been recorded breeding at the site. Western and Mountain Bluebirds, the former quite rare, are seen on occassion in the spring as they pass through on migration.

A good number of Pacific-slope and Willow Flycatchers are found at Columbia Valley. Expect to run into many of these birds in early June. Savannah Sparrows line the fence posts and are only outnumbered by the White-crowned Sparrow. Black-headed Grosbeak are also very common.

Fall gets some good migration movement and it certainly a worthwhile place to visit to see what is passing through.

In the winter, things quiet down a little but sparrows, finches and chickadees continue to be found. A pair of Harris's Sparrows spent one winter at a feeder in 1998. Owl potential looks promising at this site especially on the west ends of Henderson and Iverson Roads. Keep in mind that hanging around close to the border at night while doing a little owling might draw a little attention from the border patrol.

Deer are quite plentiful in Columbia Valley and on most visits at least one is seen. Mornings and evenings seem to be best.

~By Jamie Gadsden - June 10, 2013


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